OnePlus One “OK OnePlus” Feature Due To Be Included In Update This Week


Today was a big day for owners of the OnePlus One . At least it was prior to today, as the company had teased an announcement which was due to come out today. This teasing resulting in some epic speculation that the follow-up device, the OnePlus 2 would be unveiled. This week sees the year anniversary of the announcing of the OnePlus One and therefore, the idea of the next announcement taking place seemed to made sense. Well, the one year anniversary was the reason for the announcement, but instead of unveiling their next generation device, the announcement was to inform the public that one year on, you could finally buy the One without the need to take part in the invite system. So, good news for those who have been waiting to buy a One, but maybe not so good for those who already own the device.

For those who are already a One owner, there is some good news on the horizon. A very long time ago, a feature was being touched by the OnePlus team to be in the works and due to be released. This was a voice control command function, similar to “OK Google”, but instead utilized “OK OnePlus”. In fact, the impending release of the feature seemed to go on so long, that most One owners probably forgot it was ever supposed to be coming. To put the delay into perspective, back in July of last year, the OnePlus team started explaining the reasoning for the delay.

Well, today on his twitter account, Carl Pei of OnePlus, brought the “OK OnePlus” feature back to life by stating that those who had not received their recent Cyanogen OTA, had not seen the OTA due to the update being put on temporary hold so that they could include the “OK OnePlus” feature. According to Pei, the update is due to resume mid-week and will include the new voice activation feature. Pei also adds that the feature will even work when the screen off. For those already running the updated OS, Pei also adds they will be able to manually flash the update (with voice command feature) themselves, once it is released.

Screenshot 2015-04-20 at 12.56.53 PM

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