Samsung’s S Health App Now Available To Download From The Play Store


In recent times, there seems to have been a trend developing with manufacturers and their apps. For instance, HTC and Motorola have been recently quite active in detaching their apps and releasing them to the Play Store. This generally has been thought of as a good move on behalf of the manufacturers, as it offers the device users an easier and more direct way to update specific apps without having to worry about waiting for an OTA. Instead, the singular apps can be updated when they are individually ready and the user can easily pull the update and run the latest version of those apps, quicker.

Well, it is beginning to look like Samsung might be in the process of making similar moves, as the latest news is that one of their most famous Samsung-apps, S Health, is also now available on the Play Store. Again, the benefit for the users will mean they can receive the latest and most up-to-date version of S Health directly from the Play Store. Most Samsung users will already be well-versed when it comes to S Health. For those, yet to use the app, this is a fitness tracking app which offers the ability to track steps, as well as monitor other health-related information like sleep activity and heart rate. Not to mention, set goals and targets to work towards.

The move to the Play Store is probably of more recent importance to Samsung (than other manufacturers) as it has been widely reported that Samsung’s latest flagship devices, the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge are coming with a much-reduced level of bloatware. As such, it has been largely reported that Samsung were planning on making more of their apps available via the Play Store, offering users the choice of whether to install or not. Therefore, it is likely this trend will continue in the future with their other app offerings. Of course, as this is a Samsung ‘S’ app, it should not come as much of a surprise that the app is only available for Samsung devices. As such, if you are running any device other than those running TouchWiz, you will not be able to download the app. There are no indications of whether Samsung plan to open the compatibility to other manufacturers anytime soon. Either way though, if you own a Samsung device and want the latest version of S Health, then you can grab it now by clicking the source link below.

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