Tips For Developers On How To Make Trailers For Applications

AH Google Play Newsstand-1

During the development process of your application, considering making a trailer for your app as a form of advertising your app is an important step that could very well help you to get more people interested. Not only does it provide you with a way to show off your app a little more than can be said with the images and screenshots, but it also serves as an outlet for discussing certain things about your app that can’t be said in the app’s description. While you can just throw something together if you’ve decided to go through with creating an app trailer, it’s worth your time to factor in specific things that could help or hurt the response to the app trailer and in turn, the app itself in regards to a user’s opinion.

If you don’t just want to “wing it” there are tips on what you can do and should do if you want a better result from the trailer you create, which can be a better use of your time and ultimately the money it might cost you to make. You can start by considering an ad platform if you want someone else to make your trailer for you, and there are more than a few good choices out there for this. Keep in mind that this is going to cost you and if you choose this route you’ll want to have a budget set aside for this. To know exactly how much you need in the budget you’ll need to do a little research to see who is offering what you want, but a little research can pay off in making sure you get the right platform. You may also want to consider creating a set of points and directions for the ad platforms to follow so they know what it is you’re looking for with the creation.

Another thing to keep in mind is to make your app trailer exciting, intriguing and interesting to users. People can have a short attention span sometimes, and if you want to be able to get past this you’ll have to make sure that your trailer catches their attention right from the beginning or very early on. If your trailer is exciting enough from the get-go, you’re more likely to have people watch the entire trailer whether it’s 35 seconds long or a couple of minutes. Time is precious to people, and many will want to know that giving up even a couple minutes of their time is going to be worth it for them.

Another thing to consider ties in with something that was mentioned earlier when we talked about the prospect of using ad platforms, which is creating some direction for your app trailer to follow. Think of it like putting together a script for the trailer to follow, almost like a set of guidelines or a storyline. Writing out direction can help to ensure your trailer comes out looking the way you want it to and act as a way to sell your app to the user, telling them why they should be interested in what you have created. During the creation process, you also want to consider the length of your trailer. While there are some trailers out there that will end up longer than 30 seconds, keeping your trailer short and either below or at this target time is a great idea to make sure all viewers will have enough time to watch the trailer all the way through. Keep in mind that some potential users might stumble across it when they only have a few seconds to spare, or rather, just enough time to watch your trailer.

Now that we’ve gone covered some of the things you should consider when making a trailer for your app, remember there are some things you want to avoid as well. Audio is great, and pairing the right audio or track with your trailer can help to make it more exciting, but it shouldn’t be all audio. Splice in bits of text that highlight certain points or details about your app when people are watching that way they can have a better understanding of what’s happening. You should also dive into things with the idea that some or many people may not quite understand your app the first time they come in contact with it, which may very well be the time they watch the trailer. Taking this into consideration then, it’s a good idea to guide people through all the important points you want to address about what makes your app special and worth while.

There are a couple of other things you don’t want to do when creating your trailer. Forgetting to include the icon for your app is a good way for people to easily dismiss the app should they come across it in the Play Store. The icon is often times the first thing people see, and it’s instantly recognizable. Icon placement in your trailer is essential to sticking in people’s minds. If you have that covered, the last thing you don’t want to do is alienate users of devices that have specific screen sizes. Take into account all the different Android devices that are out there. There are many of all different sizes and not all of them will support video for one resolution, so in this regard it’s a good idea to spend the extra time creating a trailer that fits different resolution qualities so users can pick the best fit for their screen. This can make users feel like your app was made specifically for them and tailored for their device and help them realize you took them into account as a user when creating your masterpiece. If you’ve gone over these tips, then you’re well on your way to getting started, and you can focus on the details and move forward.

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