Do you hear what I hear? It’s the sound of wrapping last minute-gifts and packing suitcases for those who are heading home for the holidays. There’s no place quite like home during this joyous, hectic time of year, and our friends at Refinery29 are recording daily podcasts—available exclusively via the Assistant on Google Home—until Christmas to help you through the holiday festivities at home.
You’ll need a Google Home, Google Home Mini or Google Home Max to listen to the podcast version, but you can also check out written posts on Here are a few of our favorite topics so far:
- Five pieces of advice for when a family dinner turns stressful
- Everything's better with cookies—grab a family member and try out some of these cookie recipes.
- While the cookies are baking, gather everyone for a holiday movie (but we can’t help you with the inevitable fight over the best spot on the couch).
- If you’re on the hook for gifts for family members, here are a few tips to help you save some cash.
Just say, “Hey Google, play Home for the Holidays by Refinery29” to tune in.
Source : The Official Google Blog
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