The “Mona Lisa” is probably the most famous painting in art history. But what’s the second most famous? It could very well be “The Scream” by Edvard Munch. The image has withstood the test of time to become a modern icon, inspiring the famous ‘90s horror film series and even an emoji you may have used on occasion.
In time for Munch’s birthday on Dec. 12, Google Arts & Culture invited YouTube Music rising star Girl in Red to give us her take on the howling cultural icon. It’s the latest in our Art Zoom video series, where pop musicians bring their storytelling lens to masterpieces from art history. And who better than Marie Ulven (aka Girl in Red), who sings about a “pretty face with pretty bad dreams,” to take us through “The Scream’s” hidden details? Follow her and get down to brushstroke level, zooming in and out of the image thanks to our Art Camera’s high-resolution capabilities.
On a slightly less angsty note, we asked Lolo Zouai, a newcomer on the international R&B scene, to take us on a cheeky tour of Botticcelli’s “Birth of Venus.” If you’ve ever wondered about the story behind the beautiful woman in the giant shell, now you can just click to learn all about about the Uffizi Gallery’s most famous painting.
Give us a shout (or a scream) if you’d like to see more of these collaborations, and join the conversation on #artzoom.
Source : The Official Google Blog
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